Schedule a consultation

Get in touch with one of our experts and get practical insights on how you can benefit from our unique services

Grow your earnings and accelerate app growth

Access to In-house premium campaign + the marketplace demand 

Access to Display, Video, Native, CTV formats

Get better fill rate/coverage with effective optimization

Create private auction & preferred deals to monetize inventory at effective eCPM

For Greater Efficiency

 PixelPluses helps app publishers automate and optimize the sale and management of their ad inventory. This removes the need for publishers to manually manage and sell their own ad space, as was previously the case without SSPs. 

For Greater Quality

 PixelPluses gives publishers more control over their ad inventory. By our provided reports, publishers can gain insights into the value of their inventory, who is bidding for their inventory on the impression level, and how much ad space certain demand sources are buying from them. Such insights enable publishers to optimize for further revenue uplifts.

For Greater Revenue

As a supply-side platform, PixelPluses is in connection with multiple networks, ad exchanges, and DSPs helps publishers fill their ad inventory, as there are more chances of their inventory being sold. This ensures maximum revenues.

Real-time bidding

Header bidding

JS tag integration

VAST integration

Boosted fill rates

Improved ad relevance

Revenue diversification

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